S- Straightness. Everyone in the movie is straight and women are seen as objects for male possession.
C- Christianity. Christianity is not that present in the movie but Christian ideals: marriage, "playing by the book" are seen as the rules that they are breaking.
W- White. With the exception of one token minority the entire cast of the movie is white.
A- Able-Bodied. All the cast members are not handicapped and physically capable of "making a name for themselves. "
M- Male. Men are seen as the only gender that will become successful in life if they step on other people to get ahead, objectify women, only care about themselves.
P- Property Holder. The main theme of the movie is to get as much stuff as possible and the more possessions that they have the more successful they are.
S- Straightness. Everyone in the movie is straight and women are seen as objects for male possession.
C- Christianity. Christianity is not that present in the movie but Christian ideals: marriage, "playing by the book" are seen as the rules that they are breaking.
W- White. With the exception of one token minority the entire cast of the movie is white.
A- Able-Bodied. All the cast members are not handicapped and physically capable of "making a name for themselves. "
M- Male. Men are seen as the only gender that will become successful in life if they step on other people to get ahead, objectify women, only care about themselves.
P- Property Holder. The main theme of the movie is to get as much stuff as possible and the more possessions that they have the more successful they are.
Ok, good example, but how specifically does the SCWAMP model fit? Give examples from the movie.