Politics: the activities that relate to influencing the actions and policies of a government or getting and keeping power in a government (Miriam-Webster Dictionary)
What does this have to do with politics? The answer is that it simply doesn't. Trump is wining over people because he says things that get their attention and then says something completely ridiculous like the headline above. That is his political strategy. In a world where we are constantly swept up in new trends that are funny or amusing, it makes sense why he is getting people's attention. However, John Oliver, in his show, mocks Trump on not only his hair, but his ability to contradict himself. He has contradicted himself on so many issues that it seems almost impossible to believe that he will get anything done in office as president. Yes, he's funny to watch and easy to make fun of, but do we want that in a president? I know that I don't and if I could vote, I would not vote for Donald Trump. He wins peoples popular opinion but he does not actually have any political knowledge or arguments that he supports with facts.

This is Bernie Sanders. He actually has political ideas and arguments. And guess what? He actually supports them with facts and knowledge!!! With Bernie's, great ideas, it's hard to see why he is not getting the wide-spread attention as Donald Trump has. This is because he simply tells it like it is and Dump Trump has the same appeal as Keeping Up With The Kardashians. It's entertaining but has no real face value and we are all confused why it's still being aired on television.
At this stage of the election, there's no real way to tell who is going to win. However, if the same political strategies continue, Bernie definitely has to step up his game in order to beat Trump. Both candidates have argued that the people are fed up with the way the government is being run. Bernie is saying what he wants to do to fix it and Trump has his wall that he's going to build.
Feel The Bern 2016
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